
I am so thankful to Dr. Makkar for coming to my home and for making her final moments peaceful.

I said goodbye to my sweet, sweet Sheba girl. I remember the day I brought her home. She was so tiny and cute and before I knew she became my big beautiful girl. She was born November 14, 2009 and I cherished every moment I had with her. She is no longer suffering. I am so thankful to Dr. Makkar for coming to my home and for making her final moments peaceful. She slowly went to sleep while I stroked her head and rubbed her ears. I had asked Dr. Makkar to let me know when she was gone. I was focussed on Sheba when he gently touched my arm and softly said, “I'm sorry, she's gone”. I couldn't have asked for a better way for her to go. She was not stressed and was also surrounded by friends from our community - her pack. Goodbye my lovely girl. I will always miss you.

Dr. Harry made what was such a heartbreaking decision for me so much easier

Jebus was my soul dog. For the 16. 5 years he was in my life he was always by my side. Every laugh, every smile, every tear, every pain he was with me providing love and comfort. I truly couldn't have asked for a better companion in my life. When the time came that his health had declined so much that he let me know it was time to cross the rainbow bridge I knew I wanted to help him cross in the least stressful way, at home. Dr. Harry made what was such a heartbreaking decision for me so much easier by helping Jebus cross over on his favourite bed, in his favourite place (by my side). I cannot thank Dr. Harry and his team enough for going above and beyond and making what was the most difficult day of my life as comforting and smooth as possible.

Nora Mills

The best care for your best friend!